A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A link to the past.

Yes I know it is a week since Remembrance Sunday but this week I have found out a little about one of the 'faceless' names on our village war memorial that we hear read out every year.
The Great grandfather of 'Robbie's Roots' ( a fellow blipper) partner came from our village and when he was repatriated, wounded, from the first world war he was sent to a hospital in Bedford and never returned to his northern roots. I tried to find out a bit about the family but unfortunately memories here were not long enough.
Robbie then told me that the great grandfather had had a brother called Robert Walker who was lost in the Great war and he was remembered on the Menin Gate in Ypres.
Well he is also remembered here in Harden village -'Robt 'Bertie' Walker'. hence today's blip.

So this is for you Robert and your partner. Cheers it's been a mini adventure!
I will try to find out more about Rose Cottage if I can. Have you been to the Menin Gate. It is awesome, something I will never forget seeing. J

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