Northern Exposure

By Northern

It's Ruairidh's 12th birthday today.

After last night's victory, Dieseldaisy's boys came back here for a birthday sleepover. Poppy was also dragged back to finish the bottle of wine we had started before she was allowed to go home. So it was a late night for everyone.

Despite the late night the boys were up bright and early and birthday pressie's were opened with gusto. Thanks to some helpful blippers we had managed to get hold of some stop-frame animation software for Ru and the kids spent most of the morning happily making a
r e a l l y l o n g (10 second!!) movie with plasticine monsters eating each other.

I then had to join in with a game of Lord of the Rings Risk (which I won, ha, ha, evil cackle!) followed by a very late lunch, cake and a movie. A pretty good day all round.

Edit - should have said this is a bit from one of their movie stills, as they had nicked my camera I had not time to take another pic. that and I had to conquer middle earth....

2nd edit - No idea what I'd done with the 'Victory' link, thanks Jaxter for pointing it out!

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