Northern Exposure

By Northern

Miracles do happen

Tonight the lights on the island's christmas tree were switched on. All the kids carry peedie lanterns and we all gather round to see one of the youngest and of the eldest members of our community switch on the lights. Tonight was just perfect for it. No wind, no rain, a clear starry night and not even that cold.

I attempted to take pics that you could see the kids in but the flash picked up all the reflective strips the kids have on their jackets and the resulting light-show looked as if aliens had landed. So you'll just have to imagine the smiling faces above the lanterns.

After the lighting of the tree we had a Family quiz night in the hall. Which was great fun. The idea was that kids and adults would sit together but ours and several other boys (aged 7 to 11) decided they wanted their own team. I decided my team could manage without me and decided to help the boys out as they needed a token adult.

Guess what... the 6 wee boys and the token adult WON!!!! Those kids know an incredible amount of stuff. I knew a few old 1970's TV programmes.

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