My muse

You all know him by now.
He is just perfect to me.
He's long suffering, puts up with me burying my head into my work, far too much and far too often. But still he smiles and brings me cups of tea.
He never complains. Never has a cross word to say to me about me.
Both James and I realise how different our lives are for Corin being central to them and we love him very much.

He even lets me torment him for an hour, whilst shining bright lights at him, in order to try and improve my portrait shots.

He WAS concentrating on trying to fix his new toy helicopter (after doing a typically MAN thing and trying to modify it almost immediately as he got it home!) and he was also trying to watch CSI over the top of my head - I'm pretty pleased with the results for a first time actually setting out to get portraits, rather than opportunist shots of people.
Now I am going to eat Chilli doritos and drink red wine. It has been a most pleasant and chilled out evening, doing things that I WANTED to do, rather than had to do.

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