
By Fisherking

Where's my Danish.............

Yummy, yummy.

Peter decided last night that the entire faculty are so pissed off with waiting for the "visit" (and we're getting tetchy with each other), that he would treat us all this morning.

A big tray of 16 Danish pastries between 5 of us!!!!

I saved this one for the end of the day with a coffee.

The rest have gone in the fridge for tomorrow.

Think it might be my turn on Monday......mmmmm Doughnuts!

We went to the quiz tonight, The Boss, D and V, the daughter and me. We haven't been for a while, because we got so irate about teenagers googling everything, but we thought "What the Hell"

We won! 52 out of a possible 60! And we called ourselves "Doing the quiz, Google free for 10 years" It was brilliant, we even got booed when D went to collect the prize! Fantastic.

A few questions for you.

Who was the first woman to be shot by the FBI?
In which year did Zager & Evans have a hit with In the Year 2525?
A bush cricket was recently discovered with which organ accounting for 14% of its body weight?

Which 1992 film contained the line "We're not worthy"?
Which comedian used the catchphrase "Shut that door"?
Which England goalkeeper was injured in a car crash in 1972?
Which fictional character married Charles Hamilton and Frank Kennedy?
What links the four questions above?

The answers?
Bonnie Parker

Wayne's World
Larry Grayson
Gordon Banks
Scarlett O'Hara

Linked by Batman.....Bruce WAYNE, Dick GRAYSON, Comissioner GORDON and Chief O'HARA.

Das vidanya my friends, it will soon be the weekend.

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