nogbad's blips

By nogbad

There but for the grace of God

The building behind where I work. This was taken at 17:30 as I left - I was late because there was an outage on our network (technical term for it being eaten by malicious imps) and I had to get an email, with an attachment, sent before I left. the Outlook server and the document storage server were both playing peek-a-boo so I had to keep retyping the text.

Anyways when I came out to a cold, dark, wet, miserable evening I was glad to be heading home when I noticed that this building was lit up like an ocean liner. And worse still there are still lots of folk in there staring at screens and bashing keyboards and it made me realise how glad I am that I don't have to do that "arrive early, work late" stuff any more. Now I arrive early and finish late when I want to rather than because I have to.

No work until next Tuesday (apart from writing a presentation). Taking youngest daughter for a meal on Sunday and I may have a beer tonight. Anyone still intent on chasing money rather than balancing work and life might want to think on! :-)

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