
By lilu

No sign yet!

Today is my due day! As the title says however, there are no signs yet! i'm expecting her to be late as my mum was late with all 4 of us and apparently daughters tend to experience similar to their mothers?!?!?
My mum will arrive on wednesday 8th to be here ready to share her experience and knowledge with me.
My mum is a much loved and very well respected deputy head of a nursery school. She has worked there for 28years, but took 10 years out to raise her 4 children. Her first priority in life however was of course her children's welfare and i feel very honoured and proud to have her as my mum. She's had her share of heartbreak and sorrow but has marched through everything with her dignity intact and maintained her strength. She is truly amazing!.
I'm very eager to learn as much as i can from my mum about motherhood and i hope i can bring her joy when she watches me being a mother to my daughter when she decides to arrive.

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