
By lilu

The most wonderful day of my life

8.9.10 @ 8.30 a.m was the date and time that my daughter Zara was born. She was delivered by C-section due to complications involving her cord. These complications were spotted on my last scan and so the decision for c-section was made to avoid risk 7.9.10. It was an easy decision to make in that respect but a difficult one to handle at first for me. I wanted more than anything to experience giving birth naturally and at the time of the decision felt that i was cheating in some way.
I called my mum immediately as she was due to arrive in Cyprus 8.9.10, to let her know what was going to happen, she calmed me down straight away and re-assured me that i was making the right decision and that my feelings of being somewhat inadequate as a woman to give birth naturally were not to be felt.
This Blip captures my mum arriving 12 hours after Zara was born, it was a very emotional moment having not seen her for 5 months and also for her to meet her daughters daughter for the first time.
I have never felt so proud in my entire life when my mums breath was taken away at her first glimpse of her new Grand-daughter.
This is an image and memory i will treasure forever.

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