All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan in Boots

I've never really put shoes / boots on Ethan up until now as I didn't really see the point when he can't walk. However, as it's so much colder now, I decided a few weeks ago to buy him a pair of furry boots. I'm now wondering why I bothered though as they don't stay on his feet for more than a couple of minutes at a time haha!

We had the usual busy Tuesday today. Bounce & Tickle in Broxburn in the morning. Ethan was the complete opposite to yesterday and was off like a shot, crawling across the room away from me, listening in rapture to the story being read by the Bookstart co-ordinator and not being fussed as to where I was at all!

Then home for lunch before going back out to PEEP which he seemed to enjoy too, although he didn't crawl away from me so much there today. He fell asleep in the car on the way home so I parked in Morrisons carpark and went through my Annabel Karmel books to see what ingredients I needed to buy. Half an hour later he woke up so in we went to do our weekly shop before heading home to make the first of this weeks recipies. He had tuna muffin melts for dinner and loved them - yay!

(Oh, check out my sisters arty bump shot if you haven't already seen it. Wish I'd done one like that when I was pregnant with Ethan!)

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