everyday another photo

By sarahphilp

Blipper's dream - Carnival Night!!!!

Today was an in-service day for Aberdeenshire schools and I led a ?world café? this morning which was really good fun and exciting to be part of change and conversations that will lead to change. I then dashed back to the office to pick up a package that should have arrived last week and I needed to take it away with me for the training I am about to do?needless to say it hadn?t arrived!

So off to the airport ? I am flying to Bristol with my ultimate destination being Weston Super Mare. Now I know you are all jealous!! I flew with Eastern Airways, which I have to say is a pretty good airline, albeit they seem to have very small planes! The flight was good ? 50 minutes to Leeds/ Bradford where we touched down for 20 minutes (I was very tempted to get off and go visit my mum, dad, Cassie and Poppy who are only 30 minutes from the airport). Then another 36 minutes and I land in Bristol.

Out of the airport and onto the bus which takes me to the train station. The bus driver was playing Christmas music and there was a woman shouting at her husband at the back of the bus. He just looked out of the window the whole way! There was also a dead cow on a road? somewhat disturbing.

At the train station the very friendly ticket man told me there was a train leaving in 5 minutes, perfect!! I was a little put off by his farmer accent which made me smile.

Onto the train, not a hitch so far?.

?off the train and the ?carnival? I had heard off was about to start ? they leave from the carpark next to the station. This means that there is no taxi, not one. All roads closed. So what can a girl do but enjoy and this girl has her camera with her?.!

Two hours later and this thing shows no signs of letting up and my feet have turned to lead and my fingers and completely numb to the point I ma no longer capable of taking any photographs! Time to figure out a plan?. Time to call my dad!

I would like to thank the lady who kindly gave me a taxi number and pointed me in the direction of the ?flyover?? I would like to thanks the lady on the phone in the taxi company who reassured me that if I stood outside the ?six roads chippy? the taxi would find me? I would like to thank the lady on reception at the premier inn who also tried to get me a taxi and was very nice to me when I finally arrived and lastly I would like to thank my dad who called the premier inn and tried to help me get where I needed to be. Is there ever a time when dads don?t come in handy?

I have now thawed out, eaten and had a glad of wine (well earned I think) and am safely ensconced in my premier inn room (although I have to say it is very noisey as a result of the road outside and quite cold as the window was open when I arrived).

Looking forward to what tomorrow may bring?


here's a few more if you feel like looking

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