
By heraldino

Eclipse VII

There was the usual fare of global unrest, national politics, murder and mayhem today so I picked two stories that I personally have a tough time labeling as only good or bad, just to mix it up a bit.

Maybe bad, maybe good news: - Depending on your view of the issue

I understand the whole should-or-shouldn't-a-baby-boy-be-circumcised-or-not debate. There's the issue of it being more hygienic and the issue of it psychologically scarring an infant for life. I don't know what the right answer is. Then there is the issue of what is done with the foreskins after circumcision. I believe in organ and tissue donation and feel it's wonderful that they can harvest tissue from it for skin grafts, helping people with bad burns in the process. I do have a problem with it being used for beauty products. It feels wrong, weird and least of all, just a bit gross, but that's just me.

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Good Wonderful-with-a-slightly-worrying-element news: - A potential for backfiring

Even though it would be a joyous day if all cigarettes could disappear from the earth and even though I support a harsher global campaign to get through to the pathetic addicts and curb the tobacco companies' marketing to developing countries, I worry about the potential for a black market developing. Mostly I am thrilled that the spineless, greedy liars of the tobacco companies are running into some major obstacles for once.

total eclipse on November 19

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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