
By Appreciation


My boy is off ski-ing in Feburary to the States. You may remember the bribery of neon yellow salopettes if he posed for an earler blip.

On the beach yesterday, I realised that his ski jacket was already too small - these boys just grow and grow! Today, as there was no football, and my sister was in charge of all other family until this afternoon, my boy and I went to TK Maxx in search of a ski-jacket.

He has always been a fashionista, much more than his sister when they were younger. Today he was just a teenager! Saying nothing, grumping at the thought of trying things on and standing all hunched shouldered as I re-arranged his clothing. Truly I didn't want to embarrass him but he was doing nothing to help himself. One jacket bought and home we came, He was still cross with me.

At home he decided it wasn't quite right. Off we went to another TK Maxx where there was much more choice. This is the result, a lime green jacket to go with his neon yellow pants. My he will look a right bobby dazzler. He was so thrilled, I was honoured with a big kiss, sorry and a hug. Ah, he does love me, or at least my money!

On the way to the 2nd shop we chatted about how much he loved his hand being held tightly as a boy. He used to say it wasn't tight enough. I did say one day that I loved the way he always wanted to hold hands and that one day he may not want to to this. I can see the look of bemusement in his eyes as he replied. Mummy, I will always want to hold your hand. Sweet boy boarding dude - not so keen now eh! Ah well, cherish the moment.

My girls off back flipping and tucking now so I need to make a hearty Sunday roast for the hungry hoardes before I take over my caring duties.

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