This day

By snapper

Loved by someone!

Yesterday (Fri) I had to go to a conference which sounded interesting but in actual fact was the most boring event on the planet! It was by a public organisation who is feart its funding will be cut so they put on this lavish do in order to impress! Well it was the biggest load of bollocks ever! There were loads of blokes in suits , head of this, head of that and the other pobably all paid for by our money. The speakers didnt tell us anything new just patted themselves on the back and headed of for a lavish meal! Got nothing from it except an idea of a wee project to do to raise some money for a wee island in the Indian Ocaen and that was through just blethering to someone who also thought the whole day was p***h!

At least I got to visit my pal in Cawder so all was not lost. On the way back I managed to grab a few photos in between the showers some of them not too bad, but in the end I opted for this simple one which was a wreath laid down at the Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge. Simple words but worth a million sentiments. When I got there a squillion Japanese tourists were snap snapping away at the memorial, themselves, the mountains, themselves again and even asked me to take their pictures with their cameras, (took about 5 mins to do them all) yet! not one of them eirther so much as looked at the wreaths, or read them or noticed the little old lady that came to solemly pay her quiet respects. Dan who is named on the wreath is still remembered and loved by someone, but forgotten by others, especially the camera totting tourists!

REmember them folks!

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