This day

By snapper

Hit the road Jack!

Well got on fine at my serious camera club last night and all entries for the flora and fauna competiton are in waiting to be judged by who know who.
A very productive day, managed to complete my application and submit it even before the deadline which is a first for me! Maybe it was the rain battering down on the window that led me to remain chained to my computer, who knows. Caught Black Bunny on the roof of the shed, grabbed a picture of him up there on my Blackberry cam phone but I dont know how to upload it ! One day I will learn
Speaking of learning look what I got!!! the dreaded PS, now that I have it I suppose I will have to sit down and learn how to use the dang programme, hmmmm give me time

Tonight on this wet and windy night I have to set off to Inversneck actually to Cawdor where I will be staying with a friend as I have to go to a conference in the Sneck tomorrow and part of Sat, oh joys!
So I am trying to multi-task at speed and it aint working, doing dinner (fillet steak & chips ) havnt done chips for months and have cut enough to feed a bloody army and me on a diet too!!! in between feeding sneezing doggies their supper, doing blip before I hit the road, God and today began so sedate!!

Ach well I will have my car radio and my own music for company but will have to take it easy as its very wet and windy and God knows what it will be like further up. wish me luck

Have a nice warm blip evening tucked up in your cosy homes. Grrrrrrr

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