Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Mountain power, electric power, and horse power were in the view-finder as we traveled north early this morning to the next appointment at the Apple Store in Rancho Cucamonga at Victoria Gardens. After the high autumn winds of the past several days, Mt. Baldy looked bold and big.

As the photos tumbled out of my cheapie point-and-shot this evening, I told Mr. Fun that I didn't think any stories were tumbling with them. He came round the table to see the sights. He chose today's photo.

Mr. Fun thought a John Muir statement belonged with this sight: "Bring me men to match my mountains, Bring me men to match my plains, men with empires in their purpose, and new eras in their brains."

We arrived at the Apple (computer) Store and went to the "projects" table. Mr. Fun worked with a tech while I worked with my iPad trying to get caught-up in a 4-week online class that ends this weekend.

Over a month ago I enrolled in the 4-week class to learn the next version of Blackboard (Bb v.9), which is the e-learning program that contains the online classes offered by the college where I am employed.

This is the busiest four weeks of my semester, so I've had a difficult time as a student staying on schedule. This stress allows me to experience the stress that my students deal with.

I have, though, realized these past four weeks that the next version of Blackboard will be so much easier to use than the current version. I'm thankful for that.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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