Wistful moments

By KathM

Well wishers

Phew, not long home after a busy 14 hour shift at work with hardly a moment to catch my breath let alone squeeze in a lunch break. Haven't seen any daylight today and got to do it all again tomorrow, but i've loved it.

I work in a newly opened birth unit and have brought another 2 babies into the world today, so in the absence of anything more inspirational (and lets face it, what else is but new life) i thought i would capture some of the greetings sent in by grateful mums on our newly acquired wall hangings. Not a technical shot by any means but each card is a little badge of honour and worthy of a blip in my view. Not sure what i'll pick tomorro. Maybe one of the mum's might let me borrow a baby to show you the result of a very satisfying day!

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