
By middleman


A day of to-ing and fro-ing, more weather-batterment (dont know if that's even a real word, it is now) and a bit of potential drama at lunchtime involving me stopping a drunken middle-aged man falling headlong into the canal near where I live (just the other side of the trees in today's blip actually)

Then pulling him out of the nettle patch he'd fallen into.
Then trying to stop him getting back on his bike.
Then pulling him out of the nettle patch he'd fallen back into again.
Then trying to stop him geting back on his bike again.

[Repeat above pattern for next 30 minutes whilst waiting for police to arrive]

He was completely wasted, pretty sorry for himself and more than embarrassed.

Any road,,,,some nice music on the home front. Couple of great albums.

Martyn - Great Lengths
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - NYC

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