
By dsyglsy

paint, wood, sawdust

busy busy busy day painting blackboards etc for the craft fair tonight - which was great! I sold heaps, which is ace, but means I have loads of work to do to replenish stock for the next fairs. good stuff though...and b manned my stall with me which was great, I like having a buddy on my side of the table in a kind of sad comfort blanket kind of way...

I managed to get one half of my wee birdie painted too...I like it, whadya think? it looks quite christmassy, but it wasn't meant to.

me 'n' peggy also watched 'bewitched' today - the film version. she loved it and is particularly good at twitching her nose like samantha. I must look out for repeats of the original, she'd love them. and I know it's early yet, but we also watched 'elf'...one of my favourite christmas films.

...and now I must sleep.

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