
By dsyglsy


every year in autumn as the weather gets colder, our garden is completely abandoned. toys are left where they were and we all retreat inside, where it's (very slightly) warmer. our garden could do with a tidy before proper winter appears...if only the summer was slightly longer so we could spent a bit more time in it...we at least need to take down the makeshift gravestones from halloween!

a busy day today working, picking up kids from here there and everywhere and painting for another craft fair tomorrow night. and b found out that one of his blips is to be used in the new national theatre for scotland's unstaged brochure! he's uber-chuffed, as he should be, the blip was great. and he's trying not to let it go to his head...ha ha. well done b!

aww, poor barbie...she might have at least brushed her hair before she stripped off and went outside.

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