The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

I Predict A Riot

We were off to Glasgow for the weekend for a 30th birthday party. Since Stuart had a rugby game down in that direction the Little-Mcpherson clan joined us. We all stayed at my parents house and my wonderful sister agreed to babysit all 4 children. She has obvioulsy never read any of the stories on this or else she would have had the sense to come up with other plans.

The kids weren't too keen on being left (Gregor because he was in a strange house, Abi because she thought she should be putting on a slick of lipstick and joining the party) but being the loving parents that we are we legged it out of the house into a waiting taxi and didn't give them a second thought.

We had a great night out followed by the obligatory chips and cheese before heading back to the house to pass out. This photo is of me and my lovely brother in law who is not long back from Greece. It would have been nice to get one with the husband but he was too busy doing shots of sambuca and pretending to be 19 again.

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