Spoon Shots

By spoonshots


This is my friend and guitar genius Steve. We often get together for a guitar session and more often than not start the evening with bangers and mash. Steve loves his sausages, as anyone who knows him will attest!

This was my first effort at a portrait with an off camera flash. I have been reading about exposing for the flash and exposing for the background and then combining the two. To be honest I don't get it at all!!! In the end I just set the flash to manual and half power (facing away from the subject) and then played around with my camera settings until I got what I thought was decent enough exposure.

I am sure there is a better way. If there is I shall find it....

Cheers to "Fasthand" Steve for his patience :-)

BTW That monster sausage is actually two sausages that failed to get "tied" in the middle.

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