All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Just fancied a wee snack, mum!

Grapes have been a bit hit and miss up until now with Ethan. I tend to quarter them before giving them to him but he chews them for a minute, then usually spits them out. Until today he found a bowl of them lying on the side and decided to help himself - and ate loads of them!

His sleeping has been strange this week. He now gets a bottle at bedtime instead of a breastfeed and is sleepy but awake when we put him in the cot. He has been going to sleep without a fuss but then wakes up howling a few hours later and needs re-settled (which to be fair hasn't been too hard). However, he has been sleeping in till around 7am which is what I'd been aiming for as his previous 6am wake-ups were just too early for my liking! So we've not yet managed a whole 12 hour stretch with no waking up, but I like to think we're getting there.

Nappy changes are proving more challenging these days though now he's so active. He downright refuses to lie on his back on the change table - as soon as I put him down he rolls on his tummy and is sitting upright before I know it! It took me about 20 attempts earlier to get his new nappy on him and he seemed to think this was a great game!

His swimming class was good today. Lots of dunking under the water which he is so good about, even if he does look a bit taken aback sometimes when he resurfaces! I'm not sure I'd take so kindly to being shoved under the water so often!

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