All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Swimming for Ethan as usual today. And as usual he just wanted to cling to me during the lesson. He loved being "at" the pool, just not the actual learning to swim part!

Quick dash over to The Centre where I bumped into a girl from my antenatal group. By then Ethan, and her wee one too, were asleep in their pushchairs, so we were able to have a good catch up without them getting bored of us standing still!

We then went over to Foreveryoungs where Granny & Grandpa joined us later on. Ethan and Eden were having great fun together this evening. They were shouting "aaaah" at the top of their voices at each other. Ethan would run up to Eden who was in her highchair, and they would start laughing. He'd then run over to the sofa, then back to her and this was repeated over and over for about 10 minutes. So funny to watch!

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