Joy! Joy! Oh joy!

It was a very wet morning , but dog walkers are a hardy breed!* These two dog owners may have known they would see each other in the park this morning despite the nasty mix of snow and rain, but apparently their dogs, both golden retrievers, didn't. They approached the spot you see here from opposite directions, and when they saw each other their joy couldn't be contained. They leaped and whirled as they celebrated the happy occasion.

The light was poor, and my shutter speed wasn't fast enough to freeze their action, but maybe the motion blur shows their joy better than a frozen tableau and sharp image would have. What do you think?

By the time I got home, I was dripping, but mostly dry underneath the poncho that protected me and my camera. Later in the afternoon, a trip to the grocery store found me caught in the rain/snow mix again, this time without a poncho for protection. It has been a tiring day, and I am very glad that we go off Daylight Saving Time tonight. I am looking forward to an extra hour of sleep.

*as are Blippers!

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