Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

new wheels!

He has wanted his own wheels ever since he had a stroke (almost 19 years ago now) - we finally did it this afternoon and he has been grinning ear to ear ever since!
My "spousal unit" used to be a cross country truck driver (we even owned a Peterbilt for a year!) & I didn't drive at all! 25 years into our marriage & he has a stroke - that changed just about everything. Thankfully, our kids were mostly all growed up by then & on their own, because they became our support group. My Daughters & sons-in-law taught me how to drive, we moved 1000 miles North, and he became medically retired. 20 years ago, he was on the road 3 weeks at a stretch & home for a weekend only to take off again - now he is the one at home waiting for me. Lot's of changes overnight and we have woven them all into our new normal - but he never really adjusted to not having wheels. So this afternoon we cut the deal & he drove home this shiny black & silver limo. & we even put a Peterbilt logo on the front.
That stroke took his sight on the right side of both eyes and diminished his reflexes to slow or nil. He should be on sidewalks but not all byways have sidewalks & then there's the challenge of crossing 101 or Hwy 126 -oh, my! Saying a prayer and leaving it (him) in God's hands is just part of that new norm. This might test my faith a bit.

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