Rodents rule

By squirk

It's not as black and white as it seems

F and I had the top deck of the bus to ourselves while travelling into the centre. I played about with the manual settings for the first time. I'm rubbish at reading manuals (no patience) so I hadn't realised that the camera had a black-and-white function. I'm having a lot of fun playing around with it. I've never really been happy with my night shots or my indoor shots on auto so I'm going to focus on those first.

Why were we going back into London after a hard day's work? Well, it's very exciting - we went to see Beowulf on 3D at the bfi Imax. It was the 11.30pm showing and we expected it to be quiet, but it was jam-packed with people. The film was amazing, and I think the 3D effects were superb, especially the dragon flying over our heads and spears being pointed a little too close. The trailer for Sea Monsters 3D left us breathless - I can't describe how good the 3D effects are for that one. Let's just say that a lot of the audience gasped when a particularly large prehistoric sea monster tried to eat us - not for the faint-hearted!

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