jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Preparing some swirly card for a Christmas craft... And trying out the gorillapod that I got for my birthday :)

Bit of a slow blip day today. This was the only thing I took with the DSLR, although I did get a handful of snaps of Ben on the iPhone...

Had a weird morning this morning. Ben decided to go back to sleep instead of fidgetting and fussing and eventually bouncing on me demanding for breakfast. I had two slices of toast, a whole hot cup of tea, managed to check blip, email, twitter and facebook, and he was still asleep in bed! Eventually at about 8.30am he surfaced and came looking for me. A particularly nice morning. I can't remember the last time he did that. (The sleeping in like that, not the breakfasting alone. I do that most Mondays when he's at nursery...) He then decided to share his breakfast with his Bear.

Ben rode his trike (most of the way) to tots this morning, but by the time we got there it had ended up being folded up and put away into my bag, and Ben was having a carry. Oh well. He enjoyed it though! We had a good time this morning. I wasn't feeling wiped, and actually managed to be sociable, which is pretty unusual for me. We made this pretty bonfire / fireworks picture together, I'm rather pleased with it! It was a great craft to do :)

He has been a bonkers child again this evening. After "helping" in his bedroom as Steve did some filling, he decided to just run around in circles. Round and round and round. Then I started playing boo with him from behind the door which he found hilarious. That boy was seriously tired... at dinner time, a forkful of pasta was cause for much belly-laughing from Ben. Proper tired. But happy with it, which is nice.

Window man coming back tomorrow to look at more failing putty, it's such a shame, the sash windows we've had put back in (to replace awful aluminium framed efforts) are so beautiful but partly because we're south-facing and get the sun all day long (followed by cold nights) the putty around them is just failing again and again.

Time for bed now. Phew :)

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