secret garden

By freespiral

The Sam Maguire Cup

Wet, cold grey and worse, this is officially the beginning of winter! We still follow the old Celtic seasons and today is the start of Samhain - into the dark :(

However, not all was gloom for arriving back in school after the mid-term break, I heard that the Sam Maguire Cup was on its way to see us! Mid September after a massive build-up Cork went berserk with delight upon becoming the All Ireland Champions in Gaelic Football. And now the Cup is visiting every single school in the county! Today it was the turn of the Sheepshead and around 11ish Alan Canty (captain and local man) arrived with said cup to the cheers of the children who were bedecked in red and white Cork colours. Photos were taken and autographs signed. The cup is indeed magnificent - massive, solid silver and based on the Ardagh Chalice. Alan was very gracious and patient and revealed that he had a connection with the school - when we had a new building four years ago, he was the electrician!!

Being an ignorant blow-in I wasn't sure who Sam Maguire was so have quickly found out! He was born in county Cork, went to work in the British civil service and was captain of London Hibernians Gaelic Football team. Although a Protestant he was an Republican and is responsible for recruiting Michael Collins into the Irish Republican Brotherhood. The cup was made after his death in 1927 and presented to the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) by his friends. It seems a wonderful gesture to share it with everyone and I can say I've actually touched it!!.

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