
By attraversiamo

Peter Pan and the Babe

No trick, my son found $5 dollars on the ground today! The first thing out of his mouth was, "Now can buy that Babe Ruth card!"

In downtown Medford there is a antique store that is owned by a Yankees baseball fan. This gentleman sells baseball cards and has rigged an old candy machine to spit out three baseball cards for a quarter. My sweet boy loves swapping baseball trivia with the owner, trying his luck with the machine and oogling the baseball cards in the display case. He has had his eye on the Babe for a while now.

All dressed up from a Halloween Party my Peter Pan bought a real treat - and to my son this Babe Ruth is sweeter than the candy bar :)

Have a great weekend!

As for me, I can't wait to catch up on my blip gazing this weekend - it has been a busy week.

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