Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes


well after la crash i am aching, i decided a walk to tesco at dinner was in order to try and loosen my muscles and i ended up in the sweetie aisle ops a daisy, fot 2 bags of sweets for £2.00 saving a massive 4p! whooops

i also fell for some micky mouse shaped doughnuts luckily they were only small and disgusting so i only ate half of one and i finished work at 2.30pm (instead of 6pm) to go to the docs, he didn't say much, prescribed some imbpropen with rest and exercise?! good old NHS.

to be fair he wanted to give me diclophenic but computer said no!

he did tell me just to buy them and not use the prescription but gave me it anyway, luckily we had stocked up on the very drug i needed in spain so i'm on them but they arn't actually doing anything maybe i should crack open my supply of dicolphenic (cos u can buy them over the counter in spain as well) teehee!

i'm rambling and my spelling is worse than normal.

bye bye x

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