Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

View from IKEA

we went to IKEA in Ashton today, only spent £18.00 wow go us, 3 pains of scissors for 65p bargin. some gift bags, egg cups, bun cases, napkins and a napkin holder thing (every holiday we've been on this year they've had one and now so do we)

tonight i had a driving lesson and on the way back he made me come up oldham street to the evil roundabout that i nearly crashed at 10years ago, and a car crashed in the back of me (I HATE THAT BLOODY ROUNDABOUT!) i feel shaken and achy but no-one was hurt badly. gonna try and go docs tomorrow to get checked out but i work 30miles from my docs so not sure how logistically it will work.

gonna chill out watching nevermind the buzzcocks xxx

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