Lady La La

By LadyLaLa

Simple things

make me smile :-) I'm a simple (but high maintenance) girl really.

Camera is still at work as we prepare phase two (more lighting) of THE PROJECT. Today I picked up my little digital, it died on me, so we're back with the trusty phone, until further notice. It is annoying as I was just getting into using the camera 'a bit properly'. (See I have all the technical terminology)

Anyway, I digress, of course it is more comfy to sleep sideways in your cot, with your foot hanging out, than under the duvet. I love little baby feet

ps - this bit is just for those of you interested in the VIP. First shipment made it there, nothing broken (miracle considering the French, blizzard snow storms, haulage company dropped a crate etc etc) So far furniture is being installed and client is happy. Sorry but can't blip client or finished result

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