Club 107

By club107

Have bonus will travel - holiday day 1

Monday 18th October

Every time I get a bonus from Acme Corp, it goes into our holiday fund. I don't really do gadgets much, I have no vices which cost much money, a bottle of malt whisky lasts a good wee while, so any spare dough is spent on the thing I love most, spending time not working with my family.

First time for a long time I have done some serious through the night non sleeping for travel purposes. I have to say it is such a bizarre combination of sleep deprivation, semi-dreamstate consciousness and some other adrenalin which kind of push you through. Anyway ,we didn't sleep much, my neck ached but that is the deal when you go for the weird and wonderful departure times.

We arrived and were transported to our accommodation, the girls naturally wanting to start playing and all sorts, we suggested some sleep, they finally conceded this to be a good idea and we managed about 4 hours. I'd call that a victory.

So up to the intemperate Zante weather, it has been well mixed so far, but nothing compared to the mega floods that they have had in the rest of Greece. We wandered up to visit the village and avoided the rain.

We are in a resort, the sort which I would have scoffed at when younger, there are plusses and negatives, some of which I shall elaborate on later. Normally for such a trip, we would stay in the hotel and then venture out to discover. Given the dismal weather, quite simply the worst weather we have ever had on any holiday, we have had to content ourselves with what is on offer in the resort.


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