That'll be Autumn then...

It's gotten awwfy cold ain't it.

I just aboot didney go skatin' the night coz o the cold but ah'm glad ah did. Skateboarding is guid most'the time and tae me is the most fun way tae exercise. It also offers wee progression points that give some sessions that extra wee spark.

It took me years tae get frontside 5-0 grinds, just couldney get the balance right. I love 'em, one of ma favourite tricks. I first learnt them oan a wee 2 foot ramp in Stirling. After that, ah remember my first vividly the first one I managed on a significant ramp in an indoor park in Alloa.

Tonight ah managed, in the not too bright lights of Edinburgh skatepark, a 5-0 oan a ramp taller than mysel' at aboot 7 and a half foot. Even managed tae negotiate the horribly waxed slippiness of it that'd ah think ah'd be safe tae assume was the work of some rollerblader.

There ain't a much nicer feeling than pushing yer limits and learnin' something new. Braw.

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