secret garden

By freespiral

The mouth of Ahankoosha river

A cold and frosty morning but by 1.30 it was warm enough to eat lunch outside, surrounded by red admirals and dragonflies. Swept up a ton of leaves and filled two compost bins then wandered down to the beach. It was a really low tide, due to the full moon I guess, and I was able to walk out across the mud to where this little river flows into the sea. it is incredibly clear and I took several shots of undisturbed water but it looked like dry land, so I did a bit of kicking to get a slight ripple or two. The edges of the river were full of leaves mixed with the seaweeds, and to complete the Autumnal composition there were even a few conkers! Not a soul around just a swan and her cygnet and wading birds enjoying the exposure of the mud.

Himself is on airport duty as Will is arriving for a few days as its half term for him too. Off to re-pot my fig, then make a (veggie) shepherd's pie - enough for one day.

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