
By scharwenka

Trees and Moon; Sunlight and Trees

All before my little room, but the lilac most certainly is not in bloom!

This photograph was taken from our bedroom window this morning, with the golden tree across the road from us (taken with fairly long lens: about 2x zoom).

The row of trees opposite us, and in front of an estate, look splendid in all seasons in their different ways. Luckily, they are illuminated beautifully on those days when the sun shines in the morning. Today was just such a cloudless day, and the colours show that autumn is definitely upon us.

Magically, there was an almost full moon just visible, and I managed to get it in the shot. Astronomers amongst you may be able to fix the time. We are looking just north of west.

My apologies for having been absent from these pages for several days. Those who know me also know why. During the course of today and maybe the next days I'll try to fill in some blanks with the few photographs I have taken during the intervening period. Perhaps I had beter work backwards: most recent first.

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