Stuck at home today sneezing continuously. I decided to dash out and capture the busyness of Broomhill in school rush hour. I stood for a while waiting for the pavement to fill up with students again, and for the traffic to look really jammed, but I must have missed it for today.
Notice the chelsea tractor, there are several private schools here, many parents collect their little darlings in these monsters, its hilarious watching them tell a bus driver that 'he has to move, now!, so they can get little DS or DD to ballet/swimming/etc'
Also Waynes' World cake shop - cunningly disguised as a fruit and veg shop, but inside, the shop is given over to cakes and sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks.
As I was walking down a friend's son was larking about, sitting in the chair outside oxfam, but I was too far away to get the shot.
Seems to have been an 'almost' blip. ah well, next time
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