Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon


is where the heart is. I always thought before we had Alfie that we had a home. I also felt so angry with anybody that had had children easily who said that children make a home.

I now apologise whole heartedly to anyone who is trying and maybe struggling to have children (having been there for 4 years), but having a child has made our house a real home.

I woke up feeling awful and knew I needed to sort the house out for Sarina to come with Fleur to bake fairy cakes as promised since last weekend. To be honest I was dreading it as I felt terrible. I however bit the bullet and made the house safe for Sarina to come over (she is allergic to cats so I have do a major hoover before she sets foot in the place with our four.). Stuart went to her place to help Erz move stuff (unsafe crap as she said) in their garden.

All of this said I had a lovely afternoon, the kids behaved so well again and helped beautifully making orange fairy cakes and cookies and a banana bread (have to make that for Shree as she can't start the week without it now :-) ). The house smelt of a wonderful baking fugg and there was the sound of the kids laughing. There are all the bits and pieces of having a child that a Monica like me should hate making a house a home.

The men returned, children got fed, cakes got iced, silver balls escaped all over the kitchen and Sarina also got her favourite dips made in my new toy (the last piece of the K-mix set). A happy home at work.

Recently things have got so odd here that Stuart has talked about putting the house on the market and moving, but then we both look around our home and realise that any problems are worth sticking out. I love it and Alfie has made it the home it was always meant to be. For us we needed him to complete it.

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