Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

There's still a rose in Spanish SoCal

The air is so much cooler, the drive to school in a thick layer of marine, drizzle on the windscreen, lights along the freeway. We sit for a while in the parent room upstairs chatting to mums about the programme and other services, a warming coffee in my hand, then onto Michael's for some crafty things and linen backed photo albums to encourage me to finally print some photos. I admire those who are naturally crafty. Home now to make some curtain tie backs from beads and Swarovski crystals to match the Mamas & Papas Gingerbread theme of the nursery, without any experience in having made the same before. Together we make beads spelling Reuben and Callum and the boys wear the dayglo colored bracelets on their delicate wrists.

Callum's new expression is "come" and noone is exempt from being told to come, and I smile when he takes Reuben's hand, helps him stand and off they toddle to some new adventures. What great friends they are. I think this moment is the highlight of their friendship to date, Calla rapidly catching ReuReus up in size and tolerating less being the little pushover.

PS I promise I'll take some better pics next week though this is rather sweet and will get back to visiting you all again. Just feeling pretty tired right now.

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