Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

memories are made of this.......

well this is the second time i have posted this. apparently the blip gods decided that my image was "overlaid with text or graphics". i don't agree but you can check out the original image on flickr.

there was a couple of stories that went with this but i shall only mention one now as i cannot be arsed typing out the whole thing again (for any long blogs i shall now save them on word, just in case i have to go through this again.

anyway, why vanilla ice? well, i used to drink in a boozer at the bottom of whale brae in newhaven called the Bow Tow. (this is in edinburgh for all those folks who don't live there) it was a great place. there was a regular crowd of us who were well known and to be honest i feel we injected a new lease of life into the place, especially at weekends. anyhoo, the jukebox had on it "ice ice baby" and one of my mates would challenge me every week to sing it word for word. i am proud to say in the few years we went there i never lost. i also have to admit to being a tad embarrassed about being proud about that.

i really am annoyed about the removal of that pic as i felt the words that accompanied it were (for once) quite amusing. never mind maybe i'll tell the other story another day.

for all who commented last night/early morning i am sorry. as always your comments were funny and appreciated. maybe it will stay this time.

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