The No

By TheNo

Kodak moment 2

Another one of these. Still baffling to me.

[RANT WARNING - Please stop reading if for some strange reason you find thoroughly mean-spirited bah-humbuggery offensive]

I find photos of people with landmarks in the background a little... who am I kidding... a lot irritating.

Worse, though, are those people-landmark car crashes photographs where the subject adopts a 'hilarious' pose that references said landmark. Probably the most famous cases involve the leaning tower of Pisa.

Well, as I left this scene, I saw a woman posing on Westminster Bridge repeating the famous Pisa pose, only for Big Ben.

Now, as far as I can tell - and I can see Parliament from my office - St Stephen's tower is not listing one tiny bit. What was the woman doing, I thought. Acting like she was pushing it over, maybe?

I was baffled. But for some reason my customary curmudgeonliness was replaced with sheer pity. The familiar sense of despair was only for the poor tourist's limited vocabulary of cliches - she simply couldn't figure out any other gormless poses to throw before a famous building.

It made me want to just buy her a postcard. Not before confiscating her camera, though.


Big cliche

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