Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


And not the flower for a change!

OK I got it wrong - yesterday I said I had blipped on theme. I was wrong. I worked from home yesterday which I normally do on a Wednesday and so spent all day thinking it WAS Wednesday and acting accordingly. Such is the simple and confused world of being of a certain age.

So guess what today's theme is???? You've got it - DOGS :)

Just as well really as it was another grey day (its been about 9 or 10 days since the sun last broke through for any length of time) I am trying to ignore the continued references to the sunny weather from the likes of Kissy from down south.

So we have Poppy once again. Someone commented yesterday regarding a dog having OCD. They have obviously never had a collie. Poppy likes to approach every task in exactly the same order each and every day. She likes to be taken for a walk at exactly the same time every day. Offensive objects like the hoover or the lawnmower must be harrassed within an inch of their life. For a treat on Friday night (no other night mind you) she will request an apple by standing up with her paws on the counter next to the fruit bowl. She never does that at any other time :) If there is a ball within a 6 mile radius, Poppy will seek it out and make any and all unsuspecting humans play catch with her till their arms drop off!

I promise no moe dog pics for a while! <usual disclaimer applies> :)

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