My happy little life

By khoola

Head Injury

For the first time since Jamie has been to preschool, I got "the call" today. For those without children, "the call" is a phone call from the preschool / nursery / school to tell you that your child is ill / injured and you need to collect them. Of course, I was 40 minutes away in Leeds when I got "the call", to say not to worry, but that Jamie had banged his head.

So after cutting my visit to Katy's short, and breaking the land speed record up the M62, I arrived at preschool to find Jamie flouncing around being a butterfly, complete with fairy wings. (in a normal toddler way, not a scary brain damaged way - as clarified by Kitty!). The little swine had been unwell until the moment I arrived. Took Jamie home, where he had an almighty strop at being taken out of preschool when he felt fine now. So went to get smarties from the shop. Jamie asked if he could eat this mushroom on the way home. I said I didn't think that would be very good for concussion. He said he didn't want to eat a cushion, he wanted to eat the mushroom.

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