Colin Parte

By ColinParte


This is no technical masterpiece as it's taken on my iPhone 3G, but it's the photograph I like best from the 123 I took today. I did my best to enhance it but I think it gets across the fun had when meeting up with a few friends.

Here we have Jonny, Jess and Scott. We're Twitter friends and also photography and Apple geeks. Between the three N***ns, one Canon, four iPhones and the iPad that were present, we had plenty to talk about. Coffee followed by a short photo walk was very pleasant, and we hope to do it again soon.

My runners up today were both taken during my course this evening when we visited the old Art College building on York Street in Belfast.

Jose is a Guatemalan chap who is on the course and really gets into his pictures. He has turned out some really good stuff and I'm a little jealous of his eye for a picture.

The other picture was one I took with my wide angle lens and the combination of the tube lights and their reflection on the floor reminded me of some of the scenes in Star Wars movies where the lasers are shooting past.

Another fun day on my week off - hopefully a few more to come.

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