This is Kristina's Life

By kristinaj


Whenever my mother and I leave the house (especially together) it can be somewhat of a traumatic experience when you have 4 needy dogs. My dogs love going for car rides and have no shame in expressing this desire as I walk out the door. If I don't bring them with me, they make a point of staring at me from the window as I walk to my car with the most dejected expressions imaginable. They love employing a good guilt-trip as they deem necessary.

Well, this morning I had a few errands to run including stopping by school in Santa Monica and sure enough my mother had an errand to do in Santa Monica. This meant the doggies could come with us.

From the first second they sensed I was going out, they were on top of me like desperate, hungry savages. They bolted into my car faster than a blink of the eye, positioning themselves in their usual seats in the car: Benny and Chester ride on their "perch," Collin sits like a true gentleman behind the passenger seat, and Honey sits behind the driver's seat, panting heavily.

I snapped this pic as we were getting ready to leave the house--their excitement and anticipation is obvious. They were all in their usual positions (except Honey, who I had to move so she could fit in the shot).

This is exactly how my mother and I run errands--with 4 overwhelming dogs by our sides.

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