This is Kristina's Life

By kristinaj

Who does that dog think he is?

The air conditioning guy came today for no real reason other than my dad wanting to nit pick about the sound. This meant that I was quarantined in my sister's room with the more "high maintenance" animals (meaning everyone except Honey).

The thing about these dogs is that while they're all friendly on their own, but when you put them all together, they play off of each other's energy. And Benny (my maltepoo) loves keeping everyone on their toes. If I were to just stick those dogs in a room on their own, the ferociously loud barking wouldn't stop. But if I go in there with them, they're cool as can be.

While at my sister's desk working on some God-awful chemistry hw, Chester (chihuahua) was being especially needy and insecure. I ended up picking him up and sticking him into Tingle's cat scratcher/lounger beside me. He immediately curled up into a ball just like his feline buddies do and tried to sleep. I caught Tingle (cat) wandering up to him looking confused and I couldn't resist snapping a pic.

Those crazy pets of mine.

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