2nd emergency blip - poorly mummy.

Sorry I have not been commenting the last couple of days or writing much but I have fallen foul of the sickness bug that is currently sweeping through Lyme. In our house Erin had it first but was sick one night and fine the next day. I was ill Sunday night, had to spend most of yesterday in bed and today although a lot better I am still feeling very weak and washed out. Daddy had the sickness feeling but hasn't been sick and I think from the restless night Jack had Sunday he was the same as Daddy.

Had a bath this morning to try and perk myself up a bit and Jack and Erin insisted on one too. So whilst sat in with them I grabbed the camera and emergency blipped as I knew I wouldn't have the energy or imagination to do anything else. Please note the specially placed flannels, as Jack agreed "oh no Mummy they won't want to see my bits!!"

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