A very lovely but busy day for me today with 2 mindee school runs and an all day. Plus Jack and Erin had ballet this afternoon too. Abandoned all thoughts of walking as I had 4 to take altogether so thanked god that I started to drive again and bundled them into the car. So much easier although just getting them all and strapped is a military operation!!

Ballet went well and they loved it as usual. The 2 watching were also very good watching and playing quietly. Came home with just 3 (didn't lose one they were just collected) and they played the afternoon away.

By teatime I could see Jack and Erin flagging and shortly after Erin went into complete paddy meltdown. I told her that she needed to go up to bed early as her behaviour was not acceptable and I was putting it down to her being tired rather than she was a naughty girl. Well I know the neighbours had to have heard her screaming and shouting at me, I was an idiot and should shut up were two of the delightful things that flew from her mouth. I stayed very calm and managed to keep her in her room and although it took about 20 mins she wore herself out and quietened although was still telling me that she was going to go downstairs and stay there forever. Sometimes her temper just wears me out. It is so unpredictable and sudden and usually finishes as instantly as it starts which is very frustrating as she is suddenly quiet and I am left seething.

All is quiet now and I am having a glass of red and already yawning. Putting this lovely picture of Erin at ballet to remind myself that we had a lovely day and it was only the last 1/2 hour that was a bloody nightmare!!!!!

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