Billy Goat

By billygoat

Where's the blithery birds gone?.....

The other side of this window about 2 metres away is a bird feeder. The last few mornings while we have breakfast the little feathered fiends attacked it with gusto. Coal tits, Blue tits, Great tits, Goldfinch and Greenfinch on the nuts and a couple of Chaffinches and a Robin clearing up on the ground below.
So I thought this morning I'd get the big Nikon out (rarely used for blipping), put on the 300mm tele, get it on the tripod and have a tasty Blip of a Coal tit's ear or a Goldfinch's left leg ( that's the problem with a 300 at 6 feet range), but no not a thing. No birds all day.
Ha but I'm ready for tomorrow, I will have the outift on and focussed and then swish back the curtains and catch 'em napping!!!!!!!!!

BTW theme suspended for today, having second thoughts....

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