burn the fleet

By brett

Houses are nicer than Airports

I showed up at Kuala Lumpur airport not really knowing what was up...(this seems like a recurring theme in my travels)

There was a possiblitlity that a guy I met last time I was in Malaysia would be meeting me at the airport, cuz he was planning on flying out of KL, but didn't have his ticket yet...

I walked out of the terminal and thankfully he was there, but really all he had was himself, no money, no car, no house.. But its much nicer being in that situation with someone else..companionship is often enough to get you through.

We worked on getting him a flight, and because we both didn't want to spend money on a hotel we decided we would probably be sleeping at the airport for the next 2 nights waiting for our flights....

I really wasn't looking forward to this.. Airports, especially this discount airport which we were at, aren't that comfortable to sleep in, and get boring by the time you do your second lap around them...

I had gone for a walk when I came back to see Benji smiling..He had got a hold of some friends in Kuala Lumpur and they were coming to pick us up from the airport, which is about an hour outside the city. Needless to stay I was absolutely pumped! Houses are way nicer than airports..

That night I slept in the most comfortable bed I've slept in since I left home in February.. It was incredible..Instead of eating a pack of noodles....I ate chicken and lamb and squid..also some chinese moon cakes, cuz it was the yearly festival of the new moon...

The coolest thing was the new friends I made in Kuala Lumpur! Awesome, generous, fun, hospitable people.

I had prayed a prayer asking God to help me enjoy my 2 days in Malaysia..I really didn't believe that I would as I was walking around the airport trying to find a good spot on the floor, which would be my bed for the night... But...once again...I loved it....

Gods plans are always better than mine...I see airport floors, He see's the most comfortable bed in the world...

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